Friday, September 17, 2010

Dear Diary~


I have a dream that together with this passion lies in the heart that i would have my own sucessful online blogshop. The blog has already created. COLOUR CHEMISTRY. Im pretty excited to make this blogshop successful, so..I've been working on the logo for colour chemistry. I pretty much used 'try and error' method. I can show you the beginning of my designing stage for the logo. Let me explain the steps. The idea started out when i look at the name of the blogshop which is colour chemistry. So from there i took the initials and make something out of it.. C and C. Out of nowhere the infinity symbol popped out in my mind. So, i try to combine the Initials and the Infinity symbol.

This is the Infinity symbol that i used.

What i wanted is the logo shows a unity between colours. that is why i picked the name colour chemistry for the blog. A unity of colours.Simple.

So i played along in Illustrator and i get this logo..

This is the logo result when i combine the C initials and the infinity symbol together.

as i created more and more elements for this blogshop i feel as though im bringing this blogshop to life..This logo is not finished yet, so im trying to give more elements into it so up to here my post ends. I'll updated from time to time about design logo. chow!

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